JC Decision

Decision Date
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 07 Jan 25
Decision on no objection to the planned projects:
- ID_PIN001 “Introduction of 1.5MW Rooftop Solar Power System to Food Factory and Automotive Parts Factory”
- ID_PIN002 “Energy-saving Project in the Automotive Glass Manufacturing Process”
10th Joint Committee in Jakarta 18 Dec 24
Meeting Report
Annex 1: Rules of Implementation for the JCM (ver03.0)
Annex 2: Joint Crediting Mechanism Glossary of Terms (ver03.0)
Annex 3: Common Specifications of the JCM Registry (ver02.0)
Annex 4: Joint Crediting Mechanism Project Cycle Procedure (ver06.0)
Annex 4.1: Project Idea Note for JCM Project (ver01.0)
Annex 4.2: JCM Modalities of Communication Statement Form (ver02.0)
Annex 4.3: JCM Assessment of Reference Emissions Request Form (ver01.0)
Annex 4.4: JCM Validation Report Form (ver02.0)
Annex 4.5: JCM Credit Allocation Form (ver01.0)
Annex 4.6: JCM Project Registration Request Form (ver02.0)
Annex 4.7: JCM Project Implementation Report Form (ver01.0)
Annex 4.8: JCM Verification Report Form (ver02.0)
Annex 4.9: JCM Credits Issuance Request Form (ver04.0)
Annex 4.10: JCM Renewal of Crediting Period Request Form (ver01.0)
Annex 4.11: JCM Post-Registration Changes Request Form (ver02.0)
Annex 4.12: JCM Project Withdrawal Request Form (ver02.0)
Annex 4.13: JCM Registration Request Withdrawal Form (ver02.0)
Annex 4.14: JCM Issuance Request Withdrawal Form (ver02.0)
Annex 5: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Developing Proposed Methodology (ver03.0)
Annex 6: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Developing Project Design Document and Monitoring Report (ver04.0)
Annex 7: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Developing Sustainable Development Implementation Plan and Report (ver02.0)
Annex 8: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Designation as a Third-Party Entity (ver04.0)
Annex 9: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Validation and Verification (ver02.0)
Annex 10: Joint Crediting Mechanism Rules of Procedures for the Joint Committee (ver03.0)
Annex 10.1: Conflict of Interest Declaration Form (ver01.0)
Annex 11: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Developing Proposed Methodology for Carbon Capture and Storage and Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCS and CCUS) (ver01.0)
Annex 12: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Developing Project Design Document and Monitoring Report for Carbon Capture and Storage and Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCS and CCUS) (ver01.0)
Decision on issuance of credits:
- ID013 “Power generation by waste heat recovery in the PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk factory in Tuban” for the monitoring period of 01 Jul 18 – 31 Dec 20
Registration of proposed JCM projects:
- ID025 “Energy Saving for Industrial Park with Smart LED Street Lighting System”
- ID026 “Introduction of LED Lighting to UNIQLO Sales Stores”
- ID027 “10MW Mini Hydro Power Plant Project in North Sumatra”
- ID029 “Energy Saving by Introducing High Efficiency Autoclave to Infusion Manufacturing Factory”
- ID032 “Introduction of CNG-Diesel Hybrid Equipment to Public Bus in Semarang”
- ID033 “4.2MW Rooftop Solar Power Project to Pharmaceutical Factories, Vehicles Dealers, and Timber Factories”
- ID034 “Energy Saving by Introducing High Efficiency Autoclave to Infusion Manufacturing Factory 2”
- ID035 “Rehabilitation Project of Power Generation System at Karai 7 Mini Hydro Power Plant”
Approval of a proposed methodology:
ID_AM029 (ver01.0) “Installation of closed drain recovery system and utilization for boiler feed water”
Approval of the revised methodologies:
ID_AM002 (ver03.0) “Energy Saving by Introduction of High Efficiency Centrifugal Chiller"
ID_AM004 (ver03.0) “Installation of Inverter-Type Air Conditioning System for Cooling for Grocery Store”
ID_AM005 (ver03.0) “Installation of LED Lighting for Grocery Store"
ID_AM008 (ver03.0) “Installation of a separate type fridge-freezer showcase by using natural refrigerant for grocery store to reduce air conditioning load inside the store"
ID_AM010 (ver02.0) “Introducing double-bundle modular electric heat pumps to a new building"
ID_AM023 (ver01.1) “Installation of gas engine cogeneration system with absorption chiller to supply electricity, heating energy and cooling energy"
Designation of third-party entities:
- LGAI Technological Center S.A. (Applus+ Certification)
- Korean Standards Association
- Enviance Services Private Limited
- Ampere For Renewable Energy
- PT Superintending Company of Indonesia (PT SUCOFINDO) – SBU Sertifikasi dan Eco Framework (Sucofindo International Certification Services)
- Earthood Services Limited
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 17 Feb 21
Approval of proposed methodologies:
ID_AM027 (ver01.0) "Electricity generation by a biomass power plant"
ID_AM028 (ver01.0) "Energy saving by introducing waste hot water recovery system to autoclave in infusion manufacturing process line"
Registration of proposed JCM project:
- ID023 "Installation of Solar Power System and Storage Battery to Commercial Facility"
Decision on interim special measure for on-site assessment by TPEs
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 23 Dec 20
Approval of proposed methodologies:
ID_AM025 (ver01.0) "Installation of all-electric injection molding machine with power regeneration"
ID_AM026 (ver01.0) "Introduction of CNG-Diesel Hybrid Equipment to Public Buses"
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 17 Sep 20
Approval of proposed methodologies:
ID_AM023 (ver01.0) "Installation of gas engine cogeneration system with absorption chiller to supply electricity, heating energy and cooling energy"
ID_AM024 (ver01.0) "Replacement of diffuser with aerator in aeration pond"
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 30 Mar 20
Registration of proposed JCM projects:
- ID010 "Energy saving through introduction of Regenerative Burners for aluminum holding furnaces of the automotive components manufacture in the Republic of Indonesia"
- ID024 “Introduction of Absorption Chiller to Chemical Factory”
Decision on change in designation status of a TPE:
- Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited (LRQA)
Decision by the Joint Committee 10 Jan 20
Decision on issuance of credits:
- ID009 “Energy Saving for Air-Conditioning at Shopping Mall with High Efficiency Centrifugal Chiller” for the monitoring period of 01 Jan 17 – 30 Apr 18
- ID011 “Reduction of Energy Consumption by Introducing an Energy-Efficient Waste Paper Processing System into a Packaging Paper Factory in Bekasi, West Java” for the monitoring period of 01 Jul 17 – 31 Aug 18
- ID012 “GHG emission reductions through utility facility operation optimization system for refineries in the Republic of Indonesia” for the monitoring period of 01 Jan 18 – 31 Oct 18
- ID014 “Energy saving by optimum operation at an oil refinery” for the monitoring period of 01 Jan 18 – 31 Dec 18
- ID015 “Reducing GHG emission at textile factories by upgrading to air-saving loom” for the monitoring period of 01 Jan 17 – 30 Sep 18
- ID016 “Installation of Tribrid System to mobile communication’s Base Transceiver Stations in Republic of Indonesia” for the monitoring period of 01 Jan 18 – 31 Dec 18
9th Joint Committee in Denpasar 31 Oct 19
Meeting Report
Annex 1: ID_AM020 “Introduction of energy efficient and high color rendering LED downlight/spotlight” (version 01.0)
Annex 2: ID_AM021 “Electricity generation by rehabilitation of run-of-river hydro power generation system(s) in Indonesia” (version 01.0)
Annex 3: ID_AM022 “Introduction of Absorption Chiller” (version 01.0)
Registration of a proposed JCM project:
- ID021 "Introduction of High-efficiency Once-through Boiler in Film Factory"
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 03 Sep 19
Registration of proposed JCM projects:
- ID020 "Introduction of High-Efficiency Looms in Weaving Mill"
- ID022 "Introduction of High Efficiency Once-through Boiler in Golf Ball Factory"
Decision by the Joint Committee 18 Jul 19
Joint Crediting Mechanism Project Cycle Procedure ver05.1
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 09 May 19
Approval of a proposed methodology:
ID_AM019 (ver01.0) "Electricity generation by installation of run-of-river hydro power generation system(s) in Indonesia"
Approval of a revised methodology:
ID_AM006 (ver02.1) "GHG emission reductions through optimization of refinery plant operation in Indonesia"
Registration of proposed JCM project:
- ID019 "Installation of gas engine cogeneration system to supply electricity and heat to the vehicle manufacturing factory of PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia"
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 07 Mar 19
Approval of a proposed methodology:
ID_AM018 (ver01.0) "Installation of LED Street Lighting with Lighting Control System"
Registration of proposed JCM projects:
- ID017 “Introduction of 0.5MW Solar Power System to Aroma and Food Ingredients Factory”
- ID018 “1.6MW Solar PV Power Plant Project in Jakabaring Sport City”
Designation of a TPE for an additional sectoral scope of 12 for validation and verification:
- EPIC Sustainability Services Private Limited (EPIC)
Decision by the Joint Committee 28 Nov 18
Approval of a proposed methodology:
ID_AM017 (ver01.0) "Installation of Solar PV System and Storage Battery System"
Approval of a revised methodology:
ID_AM007 (ver01.1) "GHG emission reductions through optimization of boiler operation in Indonesia"
Decision by the Joint Committee 24 Oct 18
Approval of a revised methodology:
ID_AM009 (ver03.0) “Replacement of conventional burners with regenerative burners for aluminum holding furnaces”
Decision by the Joint Committee 24 Aug 18
Registration of proposed JCM project:
- ID015 "Reducing GHG emission at textile factories by upgrading to air-saving loom"
8th Joint Committee in Jakarta 10 Jul 18
Meeting Report
Annex 1: JCM Guidelines for Developing Proposed Methodology (version 02.0)
Annex 2: JCM Guidelines for Developing Project Design Document and Monitoring Report (version 03.0)
Annex 3: JCM Verification Report Form (version 01.1)
Annex 4: ID_AM015 “Energy Saving by Introduction of High Efficiency Once-through Boiler” (version 01.0)
Annex 5: ID_AM016 “Installation of gas engine cogeneration system to supply electricity and heat to facility” (version 01.0)
Registration of proposed JCM projects:
- ID012 “GHG emission reductions through utility facility operation optimization system for refineries in the Republic of Indonesia”
- ID013 “Power generation by waste heat recovery in the PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk factory in Tuban”
- ID014 “Energy saving by optimum operation at an oil refinery”
- ID016 “Installation of Tribrid System to mobile communication’s Base Transceiver Stations in Republic of Indonesia”
Decision on issuance of credits
- ID001 “Energy Saving for Air-Conditioning and Process Cooling by Introducing High-efficiency Centrifugal Chiller” for the monitoring period of 1 March 14 - 31 July 15
- ID004 “Energy Saving for Air-Conditioning at Textile Factory by Introducing High-efficiency Centrifugal Chiller in Karawang West Java” for the monitoring period of 20 Dec 14 - 31 May 16
- ID005 “Energy Saving for Air-Conditioning at Textile Factory by Introducing High-efficiency Centrifugal Chiller in Batang, Central Java (Phase 2)” for the monitoring period of 01 Apr 15 - 31 May 16
- ID006 “Installation of Inverter-type Air Conditioning System, LED Lighting and Separate Type Fridge Freezer Showcase to Grocery Stores in Republic of Indonesia” for the monitoring period of 01 Mar 14 - 31 May 16
Decision by the Joint Committee 22 Dec 17
Registration of proposed JCM project:
- ID011 "Reduction of Energy Consumption by Introducing an Energy-Efficient Waste Paper Processing System into a Packaging Paper Factory in Bekasi, West Java"
7th Joint Committee in Tangerang Selatan 04 Dec 17
Meeting report
Annex 1: Rules of Implementation for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (version 02.2)
Annex 2: ID_AM006 “GHG emission reductions through optimization of refinery plant" (version 02.0)
Annex 3: ID_AM013 “Installation of Solar PV System” (version 01.0)
Annex 4: ID_AM014 “Installation of Tribrid Systems to mobile communication’s Base" (version 01.0)
Registration of proposed JCM projects:
- ID009 "Energy Saving for Air-Conditioning at Shopping Mall with High Efficiency Centrifugal Chiller"
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 21 Sep 17
Designation of a TPE for additional sectoral scopes of 1, 2 and 3 for verification
- Japan Management Association
Decision by the Joint Committee 19 Jul 17
JCM Credits Issuance Request Form ver03.1
Decision by the Joint Committee 10 May 17
Rules of Implementation for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) ver02.1
Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Developing Proposed Methodology ver01.1
Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Developing Project Design Document and Monitoring Report ver02.1
Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Designation of a Third-Party Entity ver03.1
6th Joint Committee in Tokyo 09 Feb 17
Meeting report
Annex 1:Joint Crediting Mechanism Project Cycle Procedure (version 05.0)
Annex 2:JCM Credits Issuance Request Form (version 03.0)
Annex 3:ID_AM011 “Installation of energy saving air jet loom at textile factory (version 01.0)”
Annex 4:ID_AM009 “Replacement of conventional burners with regenerative burners for aluminum holding furnaces (version 02.0)”
Annex 5:ID_AM012 “Reduction of Energy Consumption by Introducing an Energy-Efficient Old Corrugated Carton Processing System into a Cardboard Factory (version 01.0)”
Registration of proposed JCM projects:
- ID008 "Introducing double-bundle modular electric heat pumps at AXIA SOUTH CIKARANG Tower 2"
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 03 Jun 16
Registration of proposed JCM project:
- ID006 " Installation of Inverter-type Air Conditioning System, LED Lighting and Separate Type Fridge Freezer Showcase to Grocery Stores in Republic of Indonesia"
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 16 May 16
Designation of third-party entities:
- PT TUV Rheinland Indonesia
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 12 May 16
Decision on issuance of credits
- ID002 "Project of Introducing High Efficiency Refrigerator to a Food Industry Cold Storage in Indonesia" for the monitoring period of 2 February 15 - 31 July 15
- ID003 "Project of Introducing High Efficiency Refrigerator to a Frozen Food Processing Plant in Indonesia" for the monitoring period of 2 February 15 - 31 July 15
Decision by the Joint Committee 14 Apr 16
Rules of Implementation for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) ver02.0
Joint Crediting Mechanism Project Cycle Procedure ver04.0
JCM Credits Issuance Request Form ver02.0
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 24 Mar 16
Registration of proposed JCM projects:
- ID004 "Energy Saving for Air-Conditioning at Textile Factory by Introducing High-efficiency Centrifugal Chiller in Karawang, West Java"
- ID005 "Energy Saving for Air-Conditioning at Textile Factory by Introducing High-efficiency Centrifugal Chiller in Batang, Central Java (Phase 2)"
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 10 Nov 15
Approval of the revised methodologies:
ID_AM002 (ver02.0) “Energy Saving by Introduction of High Efficiency Centrifugal Chiller”
ID_AM003 (ver02.0) “Installation of Energy-efficient Refrigerators Using Natural Refrigerant at Food Industry Cold Storage and Frozen Food Processing Plant”
ID_AM004 (ver02.0) “Installation of Inverter-Type Air Conditioning System for Cooling for Grocery Store”
ID_AM005 (ver02.0) “Installation of LED Lighting for Grocery Store”
ID_AM008 (ver02.0) “Installation of a separate type fridge-freezer showcase by using natural refrigerant for grocery store to reduce air conditioning load inside the store”
5th Joint Committee in Tangerang Selatan 09 Nov 15
Meeting report
Annex 1: Joint Crediting Mechanism Project Cycle Procedure (version 03.0)
Annex 2: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Developing Sustainable Development Implementation Plan and Report (version 01.0)
Annex 3: Common Specifications of the JCM Registry (version 01.0)
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 29 Sep 15
Designation of third-party entities:
- ERM Certification and Verification Services Limited
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 06 Aug 15
Approval of proposed methodologies with revisions:
ID_AM009 “Replacement of conventional burners with regenerative burners for aluminum holding furnaces”
ID_AM010 “Introducing double-bundle modular electric heat pumps to a new building”
4th Joint Committee in Tangerang Selatan 18 May 15
Meeting report
Annex 1: ID_AM006 “GHG emission reductions through optimization of refinery plant operation in Indonesia”
Annex 2: ID_AM007 “GHG emission reductions through optimization of boiler operation in Indonesia”
Annex 3: ID_AM008 “Installation of a separate type fridge-freezer showcase by using natural refrigerant for grocery store to reduce air conditioning load inside the store”
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 14 May 15
Approval of a proposed methodology with revisions:
ID_AM005 “Installation of LED Lighting for Grocery Store”
Provisional designation of third-party entities (TPEs)
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 26 Apr 15
Joint Crediting Mechanism Rules of Procedures for the Joint Committee ver02.0
Designation of third-party entities:
- KBS Certification Services Pvt. Ltd.
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 29 Mar 15
Registration of proposed JCM projects:
-ID002 "Project of Introducing High Efficiency Refrigerator to a Food Industry Cold Storage in Indonesia"
-ID003 "Project of Introducing High Efficiency Refrigerator to a Frozen Food Processing Plant in Indonesia"
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 05 Jan 15
Designation of third-party entities:
-EPIC Sustainability Services Private Limited (EPIC)
3rd Joint Committee in Bogor 30 Oct 14
Meeting report
Annex 1: Joint Crediting Mechanism Project Cycle Procedure (version 02.0)
Annex 2: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Designation of a Third-Party Entity (version 03.0)
Annex 3: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Developing Project Design Document and Monitoring Report (version 02.0)
Annex 4: Joint Crediting Mechanism Glossary of Terms (version 02.0)
Annex 5: ID_AM003 “Installation of Energy-efficient Refrigerators Using Natural Refrigerant at Food Industry Cold Storage and Frozen Food Processing Plant”
Annex 6: ID_AM004 “Installation of Inverter-Type Air Conditioning System for Cooling for Grocery Store”
Designation of third-party entities:
-TUV Rheinland (China) Ltd
Registration of proposed JCM projects:
-ID001 "Energy Saving for Air-Conditioning and Process Cooling by Introducing High-efficiency Centrifugal Chiller"
Decision by the Joint Committee (Electronic Decision) 17 Sep 14
Approval of a proposed methodology with revisions:
ID_AM002 “Energy Saving by Introduction of High Efficiency Centrifugal Chiller”
2nd Joint Committee in Jakarta 19 May 14
Meeting report
Annex 1: ID_AM001 “Power Generation by Waste Heat Recovery in Cement Industry”
Annex 2: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Designation of a Third-Party Entity (version 02.0)
Designation of third-party entities:
- Japan Consulting Institute
- Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited
- Japan Quality Assurance Organization
- Japan Management Association
- TÜV SÜD South Asia Private Limited
- Deloitte Tohmatsu Evaluation and Certification Organization Co., Ltd
1st Joint Committee in Jakarta 16 Oct 13
Meeting report
Annex 1: Joint Crediting Mechanism Rules of Procedures for the Joint Committee
Annex 2: Rules of Implementation for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM)
Annex 3: Joint Crediting Mechanism Project Cycle Procedure
Annex 3.1. JCM Modalities of Communication Statement Form
Annex 3.2. JCM Validation Report Form
Annex 3.3. JCM Project Registration Request Form
Annex 3.4. JCM Verification Report Form
Annex 3.5. JCM Credits Issuance Request Form
Annex 3.6. JCM Approved Methodology Revision Request Form
Annex 3.7. JCM Post-Registration Changes Request Form
Annex 3.8. JCM Project Withdrawal Request Form
Annex 3.9. JCM Registration Request Withdrawal Form
Annex 3.10. JCM Issuance Request Withdrawal Form
Annex 4: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Developing Proposed Methodology
Annex 5: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Developing Project Design Document and Monitoring Report
Annex 6: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Designation of a Third-Party Entity
Annex 7: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Validation and Verification
Annex 8: Joint Crediting Mechanism Glossary of Terms