Request for registration

Total projects found: 37

Reference number Host country Project title Status Registration date Emission Reductions (Average)
ID039 Indonesia Introduction of 3.1MW Rooftop Solar Power System to Fast-Moving Consumer Goods and Printing Factories in Java Island Open for public comments 2,594
ID038 Indonesia Introduction of High-efficiency Once-through Boiler System to Chemical Factory Open for public comments 1,317
ID037 Indonesia 6MW Mini Hydro Power Plant Project in West Pasaman, West Sumatra Open for public comments 16,275
ID036 Indonesia Introduction of 2.1MW Rooftop Solar Power System in Woodworking Factories Open for public comments 1,536
ID031 Indonesia Installation of Aerator for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility in Rubber Factory Validation 303
ID030 Indonesia Installation of all-electric injection molding machine with power regeneration to plastics & packaging manufacturing plants Validation 2,642
ID028 Indonesia Introduction of Gas Co-generation System and Absorption Chiller to Motor Parts Factory Validation 3,644
TH025 Thailand LED lighting introduction business for the sales store. Open for public comments 283
TH024 Thailand Low-carbon Operation for Power Grid Utilizing Online Voltage-var(Q) Optimal Control (OPENVQ) with ICT Validation 19,077
TH023 Thailand Introduction of High Efficiency Ion Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer in Caustic Soda Production Plant Validation 2,229
TH022 Thailand Introduction of 0.8MW Solar Power System and High Efficiency Refrigerator to Food Factory Validation 449
TH021 Thailand Energy saving by installation of evaporator with mechanical vapor recompression and high-efficiency chiller. Open for public comments 1,518
VN020 Viet Nam Introduction of 0.4MW Rooftop Solar Power System to Aluminum Wheel Manufacturing Factory in Hanoi, Vietnam Validation 130
TH020 Thailand Installation of Energy-efficient Refrigerators Using Natural Refrigerant at Distribution Centre of Better Foods Co., Ltd. Validation 414
VN019 Viet Nam Introduction of 2.5MW Rooftop Solar Power System to Food Factory and Garment Factory in Vietnam Validation 896
TH019 Thailand Energy Saving by Introduction of High Efficiency Chilled Water Supply System in Milk Factory Validation 108
TH018 Thailand Introduction of High-efficiency Boiler System to Rubber Belt Plant Validation 5,327
VN018 Viet Nam Introduction of Amorphous High Efficiency Transformers in Northern, Central and Southern Power Grids II Validation 2,255
TH017 Thailand Introduction of 0.97 MW Rooftop Solar Power System for Fishery Net Factory Validation 417
VN017 Viet Nam 106MW Solar Power Project in An Giang Province Validation 48,237
VN016 Viet Nam Installation of High Efficiency Kiln in Sanitary Ware Manufacturing Factory Validation 284
TH016 Thailand Introduction of 0.95 MW Rooftop Solar Power System in Cigarette Lighter Factory Validation 394
VN015 Viet Nam Energy Saving in Factories with Air-Conditioning Control System Validation 3,423
TH015 Thailand Introduction of 3.4 MW Rooftop Solar Power System in Technical Center and Office Buildings Validation 1,344
TH012 Thailand Introduction of 0.97 MW Rooftop Solar Power System for Fishery Net Factory Request for Registration withdrawn 417
TH011 Thailand Introduction of 0.95 MW Rooftop Solar Power System in Cigarette Lighter Factory Request for Registration withdrawn 394
TH010 Thailand Introduction of 3.4 MW Rooftop Solar Power System in Technical Center and Office Buildings Request for Registration withdrawn 1,616
ID007 Indonesia Energy saving through introduction of Regenerative Burners for aluminum holding furnaces of the automotive components manufacture in the Republic of Indonesia Request for Registration withdrawn 23
PH006 Philippines 14.5MW Mini Hydro Power Plant Project in Siguil River in Mindanao Open for public inputs 41,079
CL005 Chile 9MW Solar Power Project in San Antonio, Valparaiso Region Open for public inputs 7,823
PH005 Philippines 9.6MW Solar Power Project in Collaboration with Power-supply Company Validation 5,277
LA005 Laos REDD+ project in Luang Prabang Province through controlling shifting cultivation Validation 9,597
CL004 Chile 9MW Solar Power Project in Yungay, Biobio Region Open for public inputs 7,790
KH003 Cambodia Introduction of 1MW Solar Power System and High Efficiency Centrifugal Chiller in Large Shopping Mall Validation 639
MM002 Myanmar Introduction of Energy Efficient Refrigeration System in Logistics Center Validation 108
CR002 Costa Rica Introduction of High Efficiency Centrifugal Chiller and Electric Heat Pump Type Water Heater in Hotel Validation 274
BD001 Bangladesh Energy Saving for Air Conditioning & Facility Cooling by High Efficiency Chiller (Dhaka Suburbs) Validation 91