Methodology No. | ID_AM010 |
Proposed Methodology No. | ID_PM010 |
Sectoral scope | 3. Energy demand |
Title | Introducing double-bundle modular electric heat pumps to a new building |
Summaries |
GHG emission reduction measures : The project contributes to GHG emission reductions at a new building, by reducing electricity and oil consumption with (an) efficient modular HP(s). Calculation of reference emissions : Reference emissions are GHG emissions from electricity and oil consumption by the reference equipment for the generation of hot and chilled water. They are calculated by the amount of hot and chilled water utilized by the project building, efficiencies of the reference equipment and CO2 emission factor of fuel and electricity which are consumed by the reference equipment. Default values from CDM methodological tool and National Standard of Indonesia (SNI) are used for the efficiencies. Calculation of project emissions : Project emissions are calculated based on the monitored electricity consumption by the modular HP(s), other chilled water generating equipment and the auxiliary equipment and the monitored oil consumption by the project. Monitoring parameters : Quantity of heating energy utilized by the project building, quantity of cooling energy utilized by the project building, oil consumed by the project, electricity consumed by the modular HP, electricity consumed by auxiliary electric equipment of the modular HP, electricity consumed by other chilled water generating equipment, and electricity consumed by auxiliary electric equipment of the other chilled water generating equipment |
Version Number | Ver1.0 |
Status | Valid |
Methodology Proponent | Toyota Tsusho Corporation |
Approved Methodology | |
Proposed Methodology | |
Public comments |
Date of approval | 06 Aug 15 |