Methodology No. | ID_AM022 |
Proposed Methodology No. | ID_PM032 |
Sectoral scope | 3. Energy demand |
Title | Introduction of Absorption Chiller |
Summaries |
GHG emission reduction measures : Absorption chiller is introduced to replace reference centrifugal chiller(s), which leads to save energy and GHG emission reductions. Calculation of reference emissions : Reference emissions are GHG emissions from using reference chiller(s) which is determined as centrifugal chiller in this methodology. Reference emissions are calculated with cooling energy of project chiller(s), COP (Coefficient Of Performance) of reference chiller, and CO2 emission factor for consumed electricity. GHG emissions from using chilled water pump, cooling water pump and cooling tower are excluded from calculation since those pumps exist in both reference and project chiller system, and they can cancel each other out. Calculation of project emissions : Project emissions are GHG emissions from using project chiller(s), which are the sum of emissions from electricity consumption and fossil fuel consumption. GHG emissions from electricity consumption are calculated with power consumption of pumps for absorbing solution and refrigerant built in the project chiller(s) and hot water pumps where applicable and CO2 emission factor for consumed electricity. GHG emissions from fossil fuel consumption are calculated with fuel consumption of project chiller(s) and CO2 emission factor for fuel consumed. GHG emissions from using chilled water pump, cooling water pump and cooling tower are excluded from calculation since those pumps exist in both reference and project chiller system, and they can cancel each other out. Monitoring parameters : Cooling energy generated by project absorption chiller; Power consumption by project absorption chiller; Gas fuel consumption by project absorption chiller |
Version Number | Ver1.0 |
Status | Valid |
Methodology Proponent | Tokyo Century Corporation |
Approved Methodology | |
Proposed Methodology | |
Public comments |
Date of approval | 31 Oct 19 |