Request for registration

Total projects found: 14

Reference number Project title Status Registration date Emission Reductions (Average)
TH025 LED lighting introduction business for the sales store. Open for public comments 283
TH024 Low-carbon Operation for Power Grid Utilizing Online Voltage-var(Q) Optimal Control (OPENVQ) with ICT Validation 19,077
TH023 Introduction of High Efficiency Ion Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer in Caustic Soda Production Plant Validation 2,229
TH022 Introduction of 0.8MW Solar Power System and High Efficiency Refrigerator to Food Factory Validation 449
TH021 Energy saving by installation of evaporator with mechanical vapor recompression and high-efficiency chiller. Open for public comments 1,518
TH020 Installation of Energy-efficient Refrigerators Using Natural Refrigerant at Distribution Centre of Better Foods Co., Ltd. Validation 414
TH019 Energy Saving by Introduction of High Efficiency Chilled Water Supply System in Milk Factory Validation 108
TH018 Introduction of High-efficiency Boiler System to Rubber Belt Plant Validation 5,327
TH017 Introduction of 0.97 MW Rooftop Solar Power System for Fishery Net Factory Validation 417
TH016 Introduction of 0.95 MW Rooftop Solar Power System in Cigarette Lighter Factory Validation 394
TH015 Introduction of 3.4 MW Rooftop Solar Power System in Technical Center and Office Buildings Validation 1,344
TH012 Introduction of 0.97 MW Rooftop Solar Power System for Fishery Net Factory Request for Registration withdrawn 417
TH011 Introduction of 0.95 MW Rooftop Solar Power System in Cigarette Lighter Factory Request for Registration withdrawn 394
TH010 Introduction of 3.4 MW Rooftop Solar Power System in Technical Center and Office Buildings Request for Registration withdrawn 1,616