Methodology No. | TH_AM008 |
Proposed Methodology No. | TH_PM010 |
Sectoral scope | 3. Energy demand |
Title | Introducing heat recovery heat pumps with natural refrigerants for the food manufacturing industries |
Summaries |
GHG emission reduction measures : This methodology applies to the project that aims at saving energy by introducing (a) heat recovery electric HP(s) in a food manufacturing process. Calculation of reference emissions : Reference emissions are GHG emissions from using reference equipment for the generation of hot and chilled water. They are calculated by the ratio of efficiency between reference equipment and project HPs and CO2 emission factors of electricity and fossil fuel consumed by the reference equipment. Calculation of project emissions : Project emissions are GHG emissions from using the project HPs and their auxiliary electric equipment, and they are calculated with their electricity consumption and the CO2 emission factor of electricity consumed by the project HPs. Monitoring parameters : Electricity consumption of the project HPs; Electricity consumption of the auxiliary electric equipment of the HPs. |
Version Number | Ver1.0 |
Status | Valid |
Methodology Proponent | Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd. |
Approved Methodology | |
Proposed Methodology | |
Public comments |
Date of approval | 14 Jan 19 |