The 5th Joint Committee of the Joint Crediting Mechanism between Viet Nam and Japan was held in Hanoi.
Meeting Report
Annex 1: Guidance for the Implementation of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) (version 02.0)
Annex 2: JCM Project Cycle Procedure (version 03.0)
Annex 2.1. JCM Credits Issuance Request Form (version 02.0)
Annex 2.2. JCM Modalities of Communication Statement Form (version 02.0)
Annex 2.3. JCM Verification Report Form (version 02.0)
Annex 3: JCM Guidelines for Developing Proposed Methodology (version 02.0)
Annex 4: JCM Guidelines for Developing Project Design Document and Monitoring Report (version 02.0)
Annex 5: JCM Guidelines for Designation as a Third-Party Entity (version 03.0)
Annex 6: Common Specifications of the JCM Registry
Annex 7: VN_AM006 “Introduction of air conditioning system equipped with inverters”
Annex 8: VN_AM001 (version 02.0) “Transportation energy efficiency activities by installing digital tachograph systems”