The 5th Joint Committee of the Joint Crediting Mechanism between Palau and Japan was held in Koror.
Meeting Report
Annex 1: Joint Crediting Mechanism Project Cycle Procedure (version 04.0)
Annex 2: Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Developing Project Design Document and Monitoring Report (version 02.1)
Annex 3: JCM Verification Report Form (version 02.1)
Annex 4: JCM Credits Issuance Request Form (version 03.0)
Decision on issuance of credits
- PW002 “Small Scale Solar Power Plants for Schools in Island States” for the monitoring period of 08 Feb 16 – 31 Jul 17
- PW003 “Small Scale Solar Power Plants for Commercial Facilities in Island States II” for the monitoring period of 21 Jan 16 – 31 Jul 17
Designation of a TPE for additional sectoral scopes of 1, 2 and 3 for verification
- Japan Management Association